Team Coaching

Impact +

Boost team spirit, motivation
and performance

COMISK is a positive impact specialist and provides team coaching to smooth interpersonal relationships and improve efficiency.


Managers and their teams who want to boost their group's positive impact and revive the joy of achieving their performance goals together.


  • • Promoting confidence in and outside the group.
  • • Channeling and rebooting the team's energy.
  • • Building emotional intelligence within the group to improve team spirit and understanding between team members.
  • • Streamline relationship intelligence for smoother and constructive communication in the long-term.
  • • Enhance the group's strength through positive projection.
  • • Use the group's presence and remind them that there's no I in "team".


There are 5 stages to COMISK's Impact + team coaching::

Align coaching structure (objectives, measurement indicators, duration, location).

Connect with each team member.

Team session to discuss the current climate, imagine an inspiring shared vision and consider an achievable and approachable action plan to put in place.

• Team follow-up sessions to ensure commitments have been put in place and modify to suit reality if required.

• A team review session.

COMISK's Impact + group coaching model is a guide to quickly and efficiently enable the team to assess where they are, where they want to be and discuss achievable actions to put in place to improve performance.

Make the difference

Do you want to stand out and help your teams, organisation and you make a bigger impact?